Lesson from Brian Chesky

Gio Kakhiani
1 min readMay 18, 2020

I’ve been reading a book called Upstarts. It’s about Uber, Airbnb and couple other startups. How they got started. How they overcome thousands of obstacles. And many more other details.

Here’s a Quote from Brian Chesky: “You imagine everything to be linear, ‘I’m going to do this, then this is going to happen and this is going to happen.’ You’re imagining steps and they’re progressive. You start, you build it, and you think everyone’s going to care. But no one cares, not even your friends.”

I think this is the worst part about starting a startup. And if there’s anyone who has the same feeling (I certainly do) please just get over it.

Remember: many great founders went through what you’re trying to go through. So just keep your head down, keep moving forward and never quit!

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Brian Chesky, Co-founder of Airbnb

